For teams

Get your team on track

DOLLY’s range of training can include all of your team, or a designated few that you want to train up to be mental health first aiders within your workplace.



mental health first aid

Our engaging and interactive Adult MHFA course enables individuals to become a certified Adult Mental Health First Aider, and is taught across online learning modules and live learning sessions. We use experience working on film and TV productions to relate the ALGEE action plan to scenarios specific to the creative industries: on set, on a shoot, in a workshop and in the production office. By the end of the course you and your colleagues will have:

  • A greater understanding of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, psychosis and eating disorders.

  • Built confidence to approach someone who is showing signs of illness.

  • Learnt how to listen effectively to someone in distress.

  • Gained knowledge of what forms of support are available.

This course is a powerful and rewarding investment in key members of staff to ensure that moving forwards, all of your workforce can benefit from qualified team members trained to look out for their mental health needs.


Method: 4 x online learning modules and 4 x 2.5 hour live Zoom sessions
Participants: Up to 16
Cost: Please enquire for costs


mental health

Aimed at anyone in the workplace who wants to enhance their understanding of the issues surrounding mental health in the workplace, this ½ day workshop lets you learn the basics we all need to be aware of and put it into practice to hone our skills.

The aim of this course is:

  • To understand what mental health is, and stigmas around mental health issues.

  • To gain some key information on common mental health issues

  • To understand legal frameworks and the role of workplace adjustments

  • To develop more confidence to provide support for someone in distress or possibly experiencing a mental health issue

  • To understand the boundaries of the support we can provide

  • Consider how line managers can look after their own mental health and encourage resilience in their teams

This course is a fantastic introduction to understanding mental health needs in the workplace, and can be very beneficial for teams of all sizes. 


Method: 1 x 4 hour workshop
Participants: Up to 16 online/25 in person
Cost: £125 per person



mental health
for remote workers

This 1 hour webinar is aimed at training Line Managers to have a greater understanding of the key challenges for managing remote teams, a set of skills which is becoming more and more valuable as workplaces transition to more remote working.

The webinar covers:

  • Specific challenges for the creative industries

  • HR strategies for managing mental health

  • Remote working guidelines for employers

  • Building mental fitness for your teams 


Method: 1 hour webinar
Participants: Up to 100
Cost: £400



Mental Health First Aid Refresher

Are you a certified Mental Health First Aider? If you've been certified for 3 years it's time to refresh your skills. Just like physical first aid, updating skills and knowledge allows people to perform this vital role confidently and safely and keeps you skills honed. This is also useful if you have a MHFA qualification without the understanding of how to apply the skills in a film and TV environment.


Method: 1 x 4 hour session
Participants: Up to 16 online / 25 in person
Cost: £125 per person



creating kindness

Created to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week in 2020, this is a great one hour ‘lunch & learn’ for promoting kindness within your teams. During the session, we learn that a strong team is a kind team as well as:

  • How to nurture kindness in our lives and our industry

  • The psychology behind kindness

  • How to create a kinder future for ourselves and for our industry

Bespoke training

Our training is modular, meaning you can mix and match different elements from each course to create your own training to suit your unique needs. If you have a specific need for training that isn’t featured here, or if you have an away day coming up and you’d like a bespoke course to bring different elements together, get in touch! We create courses with you and for you.